This is to certify that
SIBARIS cattery of Siberian cats
is giving the Siberian cat (Male/Female)
named _______________
father __________________________)
date of birth ____________________
to Mr/Mrs ______________________(owner)
for the price of ____________ that includes pedigree certificate, international veterinary passport with valid marks of vaccination, transfer papers.
The agreement between SIBARIS cattery and owner has been reached on the following:
1. SIBARIS cattery guarantees that the animal is qualified as a show class (according to the FIFe standard). The animal is provided by full Pedigree certificate issued by the Moscow FIFe club “Supercats” (Moscow, Russia).
2. SIBARIS cattery bears all responsibility for health and good condition of the animal upon selling. At the age of 3 months the animal passes dehelmintization, and is vaccinated against rabies, feline infectious enteritis virus, calicivirus, and rhinotracheitis virus. Further annual vaccinations of the animal are the owner’s responsibility. Additional analyses if requested by the owner will be done for a separate fee. “SIBARIS” cattery bears no responsibility for diseases and injuries the animal could acquire during transportation or life with the owner.
3. SIBARIS cattery undertakes the obligation to provide the owner of the cat with consultations on holding and breeding the animal if requested. It is also ought to do its best to provide the owner, as well as owners of the cat’s offspring and other breeders, interested in obtaining the cat’s offspring, with known details concerning the ancestors of the animal.
4. SIBARIS cattery guarantees that the cat was brought up with love, care and attention, in excellent conditions, on high quality nutrition, and to the best of our knowledge neither the animal nor his ancestors had any hereditary defects or diseases. It is non-aggressive, fully socialized and well-bred for living with people.
5. The owner must do his best for providing the cat with all necessary care and high quality of life (rich and qualitative nutrition, sufficient life territory, good veterinary service, absence of isolation and caging unless the animal is transported, participates at the animal show, or is medically treated), and treat it with love and attention. Groundless caging and any unfounded violence is strictly prohibited. Corporal punishment if forbidden.
6. The owner cannot change anything in the Pedigree certificate of the animal except for titles of the ancestors in case they have obtained any higher or new titles after selling of the animal. These facts must be certified by corresponding organizations, holding the right to provide animals with these titles and/or re-register pedigrees.
7. Introducing the animal into certified breeding of Siberian cats, the owner must carefully choose the breeding partner among the pedigreed Siberian cats in order to keep and improve the type of Siberian cats within the existing standard.
8. The cat should not be let outside except for a walk in paled aviaries, which can guarantee its safety and only if it lives in a countryside. The cat should be kept aside from contact with stray animals. The cat can be brought into contact with foreign or domesticated stray animals only after they pass dehelmintization, 3 weeks of quarantine, and obtain negative results of analysis on presence of common cat infections, including ringworm, FIV, FelV, and FIP.
9. Altering of the show/top-show quality males/females except that for medical reasons may be done only after obtaining at least three litters from the animal.
10. The cat can not be brought to euthanasia except that caused by fatal health damage. In the latter case the cattery should be informed about it and keeps the right to prohibit euthanasia if sees a chance for animal survival and future full life.
11. Resale of the animal without informing SIBARIS cattery about it is strictly prohibited.
12. Owner undertakes the obligation to inform the cattery about quality of life of the animal and his show and breeding success at least once per year.
13. Under exceptional conditions the animal can be returned to the breeder. Terms and conditions of the cat return shall be the subject of separate agreement.
Alexander V. Kolesnikov
Arina V. Kozyr